Biosecurity Procedures with the All Aspects in Goose Breeding




Biosecurity procedure, Disease, Goose breeding, Health, Hygiene


Efficient and profitable production in goose breeding is possible only with healthy flocks. There are many bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal diseases that cause serious losses in the geese, although there are species of geese that are least affected by bird in poultry. As in other poultry, the treatment of the goose is more expensive than conservation. For this reason, biosecurity procedures must be applied to minimize the emergence and spread of diseases, to save on the treatment of diseases, to improve herd health, to minimize animal deaths and to increase the profitability of the enterprise. These biosecurity procedures can be performed in two ways as routine and high risk. Routine biosecurity procedures are the prevention of the entry of disease factors into the farm, effective hygiene and sanitation program, effective immunization programs for the establishment of adequate immunity, working with qualified personnel, proper management of the herd management program and good control. High-risk biosecurity procedures are practices that should be done in a planned and scheduled manner in case of suspected and epidemic animal disease. In conclusion, if biosecurity procedures in goose breeding are performed effectively and disciplined, healthy flocks and more profitability should be taken into account.



How to Cite

Sarı, M., & Saatcı, M. (2020). Biosecurity Procedures with the All Aspects in Goose Breeding. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 8(1), 35–41.



Review Articles